Star Wars Sandcrawler LEGO Set
There are Luke Skywalker, Owen Lars, R2-D2, and C-3PO. There are also 4 Jawas, an R2-unit, an R1-series droid, a gonk droid, R5-D4 and a Treadwell droid. In addition to this the set comes with a light saber for Luke Skywalker and stock parts for the droids. The front ramp of the sandcrawler can be lowered to offload droids with cranes. The side panels of the sandcrawler can be lifted to reveal the engine, storage bay, and cockpit. If the Jawas need to leave the safety of the sandcrawler, it won’t be a problem because this building kit also comes equipped with a speeder bike. This set will take a bit of time to assemble, but once it is assembled it is rock solid. The detailing is also very accurate with this Star Wars Lego kit.
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