It seems that the sky is the limit when it comes to all the different LEGO Marvel sets that designers can come up with – although not literally with the new Thor sets on distant planets. The range of films and characters within the franchise means that there are plenty of scenes and figures for LEGO Superheroes fans to collect and play with. Many love the sets based on the Avenger movies because of the broad selection of characters and epic fights. They then take this collection further with the many spin-off, stand-alone Marvel films like Iron Man, Hulk , Spiderman and Captain America . One character that has been a little overlooked, however, is Thor.
This has all changed with the creation of two brand new sets that take the action away from New York, Shield bases and Stark Towers and bring us into the word of the Asgardians. Thor is finally the main focus, which is welcome new for those that appreciate his own series. There are new battles, spacecraft, weapons and characters for builders to interact with. This is a great starting point for a LEGO Thor sub-theme, as well as a nice surprise for Marvel fans before the next Avengers film.
New Thor LEGO Sets
LEGO Super Heroes the Ultimate Battle for Asgard 76084 Set
With a name like The Ultimate Battle for Asgard, players are sure to have plenty of high expectations about this LEGO superheroes set. It is definitely a bold choice to go for a full on Asgardian experience with this new Thor-themed set. There is a lot for designers to get right in the design of the characters and craft. The good news for fans is that there is great attention to detail in the builds and figures.
There are essentially two main builds in this 400 piece LEGO Super Heroes the Ultimate Battle for Asgard 76084 Set – the Commodore spaceship and the Fenris wolf figure. The ship should prove to be a great asset for our heroes as it has two dual stud shooters, storage space for weapons and drop function to bring minifigures directly into the action. The minifigures in this set are diverse – Thor, Bruce Banner, Valkyrie, Hela and two Bersekers for a full on fight. There are two faces to Bruce Banner for an awkward mid-transformation look, but not the Hulk model. Seems he has it all under control this time. The wolf figure is 8cm high when complete and is quite a formidable opponent. Other parts include Hela’s sword and axe, Valkyrie’s sword and power blasts for Thor and Hela.
LEGO Super Heroes: Thor Vs. Hulk: Arena Clash 76088 Set
There is clearly not enough Hulk action in the set above for Avengers fans looking to add more characters and scenes to their collection. The answer to that problem comes with this Thor Vs. Hulk: Arena Clash set. Here we have a classic LEGO Superheroes trope of two key characters fighting it out – because we all know that these guys can’t stay friends for long. So, not only do we have a big Hulk figure, that figure comes with some impressive weaponry and a helmet, to fit in with the Asgardian theme. The premise here is that Thor and the armoured-up Hulk are fighting in the great arena.
This is a pretty build of red and blue bricks that also contains a sliding gate for the arena, a prison cell to detain them before the fight, collapsing pillars for drama and also some floodlight – in case this battle goes late into the night. There is also a throne on top for the Grandmaster, one of the other minifigures alongside Loki and a Sakaaian guard. If players find the hidden weapons rack, and choose the best weapon, they can knock over the throne and the two heroes can work together to escape. Alternatively, they can keep fighting – it is completely up to the player.
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